Already Operating in Mexico
Please let us know the following information so that we can send you a Free Assessment and guide to improve your "day-to-day" operation in Mexico. Should you want to skip filling out the FREE ASSESSMENT form, you can go straight to our Contact Us form and type in the "message" box "FREE DAY TO DAY ASSESSMENT". Then one of our top executives will contact you soon.
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1 . How many Human Resources do you work with in your current operation in Mexico?
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Ex Patriates
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2. Grade from 1 to 10 your expertise to handle the following items for your project in Mexico: where 1 would mean you are not familiar at all and 10 would mean that you are an expert in performing that chore in Mexico.
Human resource strategy: organizational charts and job descriptions based on Mexican Laws.
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Recruitment process: selecting and hiring personnel.
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Turnover: how to maintain high productivity low turnover environment
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Collective agreements with unions
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Human Resources salaries & benefits analysis
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Medical Services (registering with IMSS)
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Medical Insurance
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Employee training management (compliance before Work Government Agency)
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Conflict Management
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Bringing ex-patriates into Mexico (immigration paperwork)
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3. Based on your previous assessment (item 2), what would be the top 3 areas in which you would seek for expert advice in Mexico? (Check as many as you want)

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Briefly describe your major challenge as far as human resources management in your current project in Mexico.40
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Value Proposition:

Our specialty and commitment is to safeguard the investment of international companies in Mexico by offering Strategic Human Resource Solutions on the start-up critical stage and on the “day-to-day” operations.
We make the complexity of the Mexican labor market easy to navigate through, even for companies with no experience in this country.
We invite you to learn how we can improve your project in Mexico.